CyVerse Health
CyVerse Health is a powerful web workbench that allows teams to perform data management and analysis tasks associated with their research. It provides fine grain access control on who can access specific data sets or analysis methods. It supports building reproducible workflows using contemporary containerization technology (Docker) which is integrated with its underlying data management platform (iRODS) with integrated audit plugins.
CyVerse Health provides a curated application catalog for popular tools and data science workbenches like Jupyter and Posit, etc., for analyzing data. Additionally, statisticians/computational experts in the team can share their project specific customization of these tools with specific team members without being burdened with installation tasks.
CyVerse Health also provides a community data catalogue, these include data sets that specific researchers at the university can be granted access to i.e., Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS). Additionally, it will support private spaces for organizations like Banner Health to deliver data to specific projects where QA/QC or Honest Brokering tasks will be performed by Center for Biomedical Informatics and Biostatistics (CB2) staff before data is made visible (released) to the user. CyVerse Health is hosted in AWS and all data is stored on S3 buckets that are encrypted at rest. It is integrated with UA SSO. The system will be managed and maintained by UArizona CyVerse and Data Science Institute staff.
Put Soteria to Work for You.
Getting started with Soteria is simple. Begin by completing an application for access form with your IRB status. We’ll walk you through the rest. If you’re still in the IRB process, we can help you demonstrate how you’ll safeguard PII/PHI with Soteria.